Hebert Poll Gutiérrez
Los invitamos a la presentación del escritor, dramaturgo, poeta y narrador oral escénico Hebert Poll Gutiérrez
Cuentos cortos para niños y jóvenes: Emi Laara: pequeñas historias para soñar
14h - 14:45h - Teatro
Cuentos cortos para niños y jóvenes: Emi Laara: pequeñas historias para soñar
14h - 14:45h - Teatro
Arts Court - 2 Daly Avenue, Ottawa
Sábado 29 de octubre 2022
Exhibición y venta de libros de 10 am a 5 pm
Eventos literarios y artísticos de 10 am - 8 pm
Sábado 29 de octubre 2022
Exhibición y venta de libros de 10 am a 5 pm
Eventos literarios y artísticos de 10 am - 8 pm
Author, playwright, poet, and storyteller, Hebert Poll Gutierrez is a Cuban Canadian artist with 16 years of experience connecting with the world through writing and art. He believes in the power of stories, and in the power of theatre to shape realities. Art is his strategy to defend his triple cultural identity: Artist, Cuban, and Afro-descendant. Gutierrez has published 9 books, the latest of which is a poetry collection: “Whispers from the Black Gods”. (The Elite Lizzard Publishing Company, Canada, 2022) Some of his writings appear in magazines and in more than 20 anthologies from Cuba, Venezuela, Canada, Spain, the United States, Mexico, Germany, and other countries. His theater scripts have been represented by companies from Latin America, Europe, and Canada. He is a member of several cultural organizations in Canada. Among them, we can mention SpanicArts, Playwrights Guild of Canada, and FAVA (Film and Video Arts Society Alberta). He was named Calgary’s Artist of the Month in December 2021 by the Immigrant Council for Arts Innovation (ICAI). |
EDITORIAL ÁCANA, CUBA. GÉNERO: CUENTOS CORTOS PARA NIÑOS Y JÓVENES /SHORT STORIES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH. AUTOR: HEBERT POLL GUTIÉRREZ Y GLADYS FELICIA GUTIÉRREZ RODRIGUEZ. Precio/price: 15.00 CAD SINOPSIS ( ESPAÑOL) Dioses, santería, rituales, seres, criaturas fantásticas y una mágica belleza natural son los elementos que dan vida a estas historias. Los lectores disfrutarán de las travesuras, aventuras y trucos de los dioses lucumíes, personajes originarios de la santería cubana, punto de encuentro entre las tradiciones religiosas católicas y las tradiciones yoruba de Nigeria, pero también conocerá una de las facetas más apasionantes, misteriosas y mágicas de la cultura ancestral cubana. Emí Laará: son seis historias que te dejarán con la siempre increíble sensación de querer saber más. Es una obra que dirá a los cuatro vientos que Miles Dean tenía razón en su afirmación: Soy africano no porque haya nacido en África, sino porque África ha nacido en mí". SYNOPSIS (ENGLISH) Gods, Santeria, rituals, beings, fantastic creatures, and a magical natural beauty are the elements that bring these stories to life. The readers will enjoy the mischief, adventures, and tricks of the Lucumi gods, characters originating from Cuban Santeria, a meeting point between Catholic religious traditions and the Yoruba traditions from Nigeria but will also get to know one of the most exciting, mysterious, and magical facets of Cuba's ancestral culture. Emí Laará: is an eye-opener that will leave you with the always incredible sensation of wanting to know more. It is a series of short stories that will tell us that Miles Dean was right in his statement: ``I am African not because I was born in Africa, but because Africa was born in me". |
EDITORIAL , EL ABRA, CUBA AUTOR: HEBERT POLL GUTIÉRREZ GÉNERO: TEATRO JUVENIL/ DRAMA FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH Precio/price: 15.00 CAD SINOPSIS (ESPAÑOL) El pato Awa y el gallo Akiko no se llevan bien. Su tonta pelea de plumas ha durado demasiado, y está afectando a los animales del bosque. Solo les queda una solución... Si bien la obra está basada en leyendas tradicionales, el autor le presta especial atención a adaptarlas a los contextos contemporáneos de las niñas y niños que puedan leerlos. En ese sentido no se trata de una historia del pasado, aunque sí implica un ejercicio vivaz de la memoria. Esta obra infantil y juvenil está llena de guiños actuales y de humor, protagonizada por seres divinos (orishas) que están sin embargo felizmente contaminados de las imperfecciones mundanas. SYNOPSIS (ENGLISH) The duck Awa and the rooster do not get along. Their silly feather fight has gone on for too long, affecting the animals who live in the forest There is only one solution left for them... Although the work is based on traditional legends, the author pays special attention to adapting them to the contemporary contexts of the children who may read them. In that sense, it is not a story of the past, although it does involve a vigorous exercise of memory. This work for children and young people is full of contemporary nods and humor, starring divine beings (orishas) who are nevertheless happily contaminated by worldly imperfections. |
EDITORIAL: The Elite Lizzard Publishing Company, Cornwall, Ontario, CANADA. AUTOR: HEBERT POLL GUTIÉRREZ GÉNERO: POESÍA/ POETRY PRECIO/PRICE: 15.00 CAD SINOPSIS (ESPAÑOL) Llegaron hace cinco siglos y han hecho suya esta tierra, este cielo y estos océanos. Han vivido a la sombra del misterio, en las esquinas de todos los caminos, en la vuelta de los desengaños, detrás de las puertas de muchas casas. La intolerancia no puede resistir su poderosa furia de palabras. Aconsejar a los humanos que no pierdan la esperanza en tiempos de crisis es su misión. Negarlos sería rechazar una parte sustancial de mi identidad. Son y serán: Mis dioses negros. SYNOPSIS (ENGLISH) They arrived five centuries ago and have made this land, sky, and oceans their own. They have lived in the shadow of mystery, at the corners of every road, at the turn of disappointments, behind the doors of many houses. Intolerance cannot resist their mighty fury of words. Advising humans not to lose hope in times of crisis is their mission. To deny them would be to reject a substantial part of my identity. They are and will be: My black gods. AMAZON LINK ENGLISH VERSION |